Why use an hosted solution

Advantages of using an hosted bug tracking software

Why use an hosted solution

The differences between a premises-based and hosted solutions are shocking.

A premise-based solution requires hardware, software and network connectivity, to be handled by the company. In addition backups and monitoring have to be in place to ensure continuity and availability 24/7.

For businesses that have multiple locations across the globe this responsibility can turn into a management nightmare.

Our Hosted solution transfers this infrastructure and management burden to our dedicated team of specialist. As a online-based solution, Bug-Track.com helps companies manage their projects without the added headaches of managing the infrastructure needed.

Bug-Track.com Hosted solutions will take away the enormous investment in infrastructure costs as well as system management and maintenance costs and give customers access to comprehensive online services at an economical rate.

In this hosted model, we take on the responsibility and cost of developing and maintaining the best Bug Tracking software out there.

Hosting enables companies to outsource the IT infrastructures, have access to their data from anywhere in the world, and pay only for the services they require.

Security and Control

Companies contemplating a hosted solution have concerns about the security of the infrastructures and their data. Bug-Track.com's Hosted solutions are designed to securely offer its services.

Our servers are located in a state of the art data center located in Montreal, Canada. Precise information about the data center can be found at the following link:

Data Center information

A major part of security is network reliability, and companies seeking hosted solutions should only consider vendors offering "carrier grade" networks. Bug-Track.com web server farm is connected to redundant networks that offers 99.999 percent reliability, limiting downtime to a maximum. All networks are proactively monitored and managed on a 24x7x365 basis.

Bug-Track.com has selected an approach to high availability popularized by Google: Large numbers of computer servers built on commodity hardware. The basic theory is that server failures are common, so arrange servers in pairs or clusters, then build failure detection into the network or the software. This means that if one of our servers fail, they other ones are there to pickup the load without any service disruption to our clients.

Security of the data is also a major part of security and control, to achieve this we have redundant database servers as well as nightly data backups. In addition backups are stored on an offsite secure server, ensuring data files redundancy.

ROI: Return-on-Investment

One of the most persuasive benefits of an hosted solution is how it allows companies to contain and accurately predict costs, which in turn helps guarantee that ROI estimates are realized using our systems.

In many premise-based situations, companies find that initial capital expenditure, ongoing maintenance and support costs, and required upgrades delay ROI for years and sometimes prevent its realization altogether.

But a hosted solution eliminates such capital expenditures, maintenance fees, and support fees. Bug-Track.com takes care of all these important and expensive responsibilities.

Conclusion - Why choose an hosted solution?

Premise-based solution demand a multitude of costly responsibilities (server, software, connectivity, maintenance, backups) which burdens many companies with unnecessary costs and upkeep, causing them to spend precious budget dollars that could be spent on there core activities.

For these reasons, the hosted model is becoming more and more popular. It offers companies a state-of-the-art solution at low costs.

Hosted benefits include:

  • Low Cost
  • Always up to date software version
  • No maintenance
  • High Availability
  • Security
  • Peace of mind
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